Friday, April 3, 2009

Only 1 1/2 Months to go! - April 1, 2009

Ham-jambo mimi Rafiki! (Hello my friends)

I hope that this email finds you well, especially right before Easter, one of my favorite Holidays to celebrate!
The time is drawing nearer to my (our) departure to Tanzania! By the time most of you get this i will have exactly a month and half until we fly out! So many emotions are running through me about this date, excitement to be traveling and to revisit friends, to serve and grow! Also with that comes flutters of worry and meaningless stress about the changes that have occurred in my absence and to be experiencing different events with a different team and what my friendships with my national friendships will be like again. I know the sooner the trip draws near, the sooner this school year will end (and many of the memories with it). It's such a struggle to have my heart so firmly planted in one place, yet it longing for another. Oh the heart of a missionary, so bitter-sweet!

My semester has been busy as always, but also quite peaceful. My summertime in the States will be cut even shorter after i return from Tanzania because i have been accepted as a Resident Assistant for next year! This job entitles me to have supervision over one of the dorm wings (or hallways). The job entitles "watching out for" about 14 girls, Decorating the wing, making sure things stay in order clean and that the relationships amongst the girls stay healthy and safe. I am super excited to have been accepted in this role, i think it will also help coming home from Tanzania be slightly less traumatic.

In preparation of Tanzania our team has been having team meetings every other week! We have been learning alot of Swahili(the language most spoken in Tanzania) through learning basic verbs (which I'm starting to get the hang of) And singing songs in Swahili(all of which i already know, or at least thought i knew ! I have had the privilege of teaching a bit of it as well and my leader from last year(Daniel) has taken the time to come and teach us alot as well. I love my team and how open and honest we have been with each other. I hope and pray that our bond will only grow stronger!

As for financial support i am getting there! $4,000 is just alot to take in, i have raised approximately $1,720, Very close to half way. Such a blessing!!! And i am still expecting more promised donations!
I know God is doing sometime Good!
Well to close, i just have a few prayer requests for those prayer warriors out there!
* Lately i have been feeling alot of "spiritual warfare" Which in our terms is just deep stress and pressure on things that really are easy targets of worry doubt and for me personally loneliness.
* Also just keep praying that God will provide means for financial support, even if that means a short summer job!
* Praise- That good changes are happening in my life, even though it seems grim at the moment i know that these things are building me into a stronger person and will help me in the future!

Asante sana!(thank you)
Wana Baraka na Amani ( Have blessings and Peace!)
Michelle Renee Ross

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